
PyCTest is python bindings of select portions of CMake/CTest package. This enables the generation of CTest test files from Python without a CMake build system.

Available on PyPi and Anaconda

  • PyPi has the source distribution
  • PyPi installs can take a long time since CMake must be compiled from scratch
  • Anaconda has compiled distributions

General Setup

  • Create an anaconda environment for PyCTest: conda create -n pyctest python=3.6 pyctest
  • Activate this environment: source activate pyctest
  • Write a driver Python script

Example for Python project

The following is an example for a Python code with a compiled C extension that uses nosetests for unit-testing:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import platform
import pyctest.pyctest as pyctest
import pyctest.helpers as helpers

parser = helpers.ArgumentParser("ProjectName", source_dir=os.getcwd(),binary_dir=os.getcwd(), vcs_type="git")
args = parser.parse_args()

pyctest.BUILD_NAME = "{}".format(args.build)
pyctest.BUILD_COMMAND = "python setup.py build_ext --inplace"

test = pyctest.test()


Example for autotools project

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import platform
import multiprocessing as mp
import pyctest.pyctest as pyctest
import pyctest.helpers as helpers

parser = helpers.ArgumentParser("ProjectName", source_dir=os.getcwd(), binary_dir=os.getcwd(),
parser.add_argument("-n", "--build", type=str, required=True, help="Build name for identification")
args = parser.parse_args()

# CONFIGURE_COMMAND can only run one command so if autogen is required, just execute it here
cmd = pyctest.command(["./autogen.sh"])

pyctest.BUILD_NAME = "{}".format(args.build)
pyctest.CONFIGURE_COMMAND = "./configure"
pyctest.BUILD_COMMAND = "make -j{}".format(mp.cpu_count())

# alternate test declaration format
pyctest.test("unittest", ["./run-testing.sh"])


Example for CMake project

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import platform
import multiprocessing as mp
import pyctest.pyctest as pyctest
import pyctest.helpers as helpers

project = "PyCTestDemo"
binary_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "{}-build".format(project))
parser = helpers.ArgumentParser("ProjectName", os.getcwd(), binary_dir)
parser.add_argument("-n", "--build", type=str, required=True, help="Build name for identification")
args = parser.parse_args()

pyctest.BUILD_NAME = "{}".format(args.build)
pyctest.UPDATE_COMMAND = "git"
pyctest.CONFIGURE_COMMAND = "cmake {}".format(pyctest.SOURCE_DIRECTORY)
pyctest.BUILD_COMMAND = "cmake --build {} --target all -- -j{}".format(
    pyctest.BINARY_DIRECTORY, mp.cpu_count())

pyctest.test("unittest", ["./run-testing.sh"])


Python Modules

  • import pyctest – global package
  • import pyctest.pyctest – CTest module
  • import pyctest.pycmake – CMake module
  • import pyctest.helpers – Helpers module
    • includes command line arguments (argparse) for PyCTest
  • NOTES:
    • This document uses pyctest.<...> as shorthand for pyctest.pyctest.<...> (e.g. import pyctest.pyctest as pyctest)
    • It is possible to call CMake from this package but it is generally not the purpose

Direct Access to CMake/CTest/CPack Executables

  • python -m pyctest.cmake <ARGS> == cmake <ARGS>
  • python -m pyctest.ctest <ARGS> == ctest <ARGS>
  • python -m pyctest.cpack <ARGS> == cpack <ARGS>

Following Python code:

from pyctest.ctest import CTest
from pyctest.cmake import CMake
from pyctest.cpack import CPack

CMake({"CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE":"Release"}, os.getcwd(), "-G", "Ninja")
CTest("--build-and-test", os.getcwd(), "-VV")
CPack("-G", "TGZ")

is equivalent to the following shell commands:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ${PWD} -G Ninja
ctest --build-and-test ${PWD} -VV
cpack -G TGZ


  • Integration into continuous integration systems (e.g. Travis, AppVeyor, Jenkins, etc.) and pushing to CDash dashboard will combine all the results in one place
    • The warnings and errors are enumerated in CDash (no more parsing stdout logs for errors)
  • Easily create platform-independent testing
  • No need to migrate build system to CMake – just specify pyctest.BUILD_COMMAND

Standard Configuration Variables

  • pyctest.PROJECT_NAME
  • pyctest.SITE
  • pyctest.BUILD_NAME
  • pyctest.TRIGGER
  • pyctest.BUILD_COMMAND
  • pyctest.MODEL

Setting Arbitrary Variables

pyctest.set("CTEST_TOKEN_FILE", "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/.ctest-token")

Generating a Test

test = pyctest.test()
test.SetCommand(["nosetests", "test", "--cover-xml", "--cover-xml-file=coverage.xml"])
# set directory to run test
test.SetProperty("RUN_SERIAL", "ON")
test.SetProperty("ENVIRONMENT", "OMP_NUM_THREADS=1")


CDash Integration Example

Results from running the TomoPy example can be found at the TomoPy CDash Testing Dashboard @ NERSC

  • Python code with C extensions without CMake build system
  • The build logs from “python setup.py install” are registered in the “Build” section
  • The nosetests test command + other are wrapped into CTests

Testing Example

PyCTest can be used to simple execute tests and submit to a dashboard without any configuration, build, etc. steps

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import platform

import pyctest.pyctest as pyctest
import pyctest.pycmake as pycmake
import pyctest.helpers as helpers

if __name__ == "__main__":

    directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "pycm-test")

    # these are required
    pyctest.PROJECT_NAME = "PyCTest"
    pyctest.SOURCE_DIRECTORY = directory
    pyctest.BINARY_DIRECTORY = directory

    args = helpers.ArgumentParser(pyctest.PROJECT_NAME,

    # set explicitly
    pyctest.MODEL = "Continuous"
    pyctest.SITE = platform.node()

    # create a test
    test = pyctest.test()
    test.SetCommand(["ls", directory])
    test.SetProperty("WORKING_DIRECTORY", os.getcwd())

    # create a second test
    pyctest.test("hostname", ["hostname"], {"TIMEOUT": "10"})

    # run CTest -- e.g. ctest -VV ${PWD}/pycm-test
#  ____  _  _  ___  ____  ____  ____  ____  #
# (  _ \( \/ )/ __)(_  _)(  __)/ ___)(_  _) #
#  ) __/ )  /( (__   )(   ) _) \___ \  )(   #
# (__)  (__/  \___) (__) (____)(____/ (__)  #
#                                           #

PyCTest args: []
CTest args: []
CMake args: []
CTest arguments (default): '-V -DSTAGES=Start;Update;Configure;Build;Test;Coverage;MemCheck -S Stages.cmake -j1'
Writing CTest test file: "/Users/jrmadsen/devel/c++/pyctest-master/docs/pycm-test/CTestTestfile.cmake"...
Generating test "list_directory"...
Generating test "hostname"...
-- STAGES = Start;Update;Configure;Build;Test;Coverage;MemCheck
-- [[Darwin macOS 10.14.2 x86_64] [Python 3.7.0]] Running CTEST_START stage...
Run dashboard with model Continuous
Source directory: /Users/jrmadsen/devel/c++/pyctest-master/docs/pycm-test
Build directory: /Users/jrmadsen/devel/c++/pyctest-master/docs/pycm-test
Track: Continuous
Reading ctest configuration file: /Users/jrmadsen/devel/c++/pyctest-master/docs/pycm-test/CTestConfig.cmake
Site: JRM-macOS-DOE.local.dhcp.lbl.gov
Build name: [Darwin macOS 10.14.2 x86_64] [Python 3.7.0]
Use Continuous tag: 20190116-2239
-- [[Darwin macOS 10.14.2 x86_64] [Python 3.7.0]] Skipping CTEST_UPDATE stage...
-- [[Darwin macOS 10.14.2 x86_64] [Python 3.7.0]] Skipping CTEST_CONFIGURE stage...
-- [[Darwin macOS 10.14.2 x86_64] [Python 3.7.0]] Skipping CTEST_BUILD stage...
-- [[Darwin macOS 10.14.2 x86_64] [Python 3.7.0]] Running CTEST_TEST stage...
Test project /Users/jrmadsen/devel/c++/pyctest-master/docs/pycm-test
    Start 1: list_directory
1/2 Test #1: list_directory ...................   Passed    0.00 sec
    Start 2: hostname
2/2 Test #2: hostname .........................   Passed    0.00 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 2

Total Test time (real) =   0.01 sec
-- [[Darwin macOS 10.14.2 x86_64] [Python 3.7.0]] Skipping CTEST_COVERAGE stage...
-- [[Darwin macOS 10.14.2 x86_64] [Python 3.7.0]] Skipping CTEST_MEMCHECK stage...
-- [[Darwin macOS 10.14.2 x86_64] [Python 3.7.0]] Skipping CTEST_SUBMIT stage...
-- [[Darwin macOS 10.14.2 x86_64] [Python 3.7.0]] Finished Continuous Stages (Start;Update;Configure;Build;Test;Coverage;MemCheck)